What I've learned thus far

This is a compilation of 30 things I've learned in the last 30 years. This is not a complete list, obviously, I'd be writing for a really long time if it was.

1. Put God first.
2. Keep your focus vertical.
3. Read daily.
4. Write and express yourself daily.
5. If you want to make your dreams a reality, turn your dream into a goal. A S.M.A.R.T. goal (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time limited), plan it out, then take action.
6. Be kind, compassionate, loving to everyone.
7. Be respectful to people, nature, animals, God, and yourself.
8. Heal yourself and go help heal others.
9. Just be - in the moment.
10. Be yourself.
11. Forgive yourself.
12. Take care of your numbers; health numbers, credit score, financial numbers (savings, checking, investments, donations).
13. If you want to learn about something, research it - take a course, read books on the topic, read articles, journals, research and learn from successful mentors in the field and or realm of the topic.
14. "Picking someone's brain" is a consultation. Pay others for their time, knowledge, and wisdom.
15. Really do treat others how you want to be treated. If you don't treat yourself or others well, treat them how God would treat them. To find out how, read the bible!
16. Be honest.
17. Share your truth even if your voice shakes. By doing so you may inspire others to do the same.
18. Help others.
19. Have a set of personal morals, beliefs, mission, purpose, and vision for your life.
20. Be intentional.
21. Be giving to others; share your time, resources, and heart.
22. Do good things for others and be a good person (have a good heart).
23. Don't expect to be rewarded for doing good, do good regardless.
24. Cherish and enjoy the people you have in your life. Time is short, they won't always be around.
25. You're living your legacy today so leave a good one!
26. Instill God and His promises in your children.
27. Take care of and work hard for what you want; your marriage, your family, health, career, finances, friends, relationships, and legacy.
28. Breathe, you're doing the best you can!
29. If something needs to change in your life, make the decision to do something about it. You are your solution.
30. Take it one day at a time. Sometimes take it moment by moment.

Share this list and share a thing or two life lessons you have learned. Would love to hear what you would like to share.




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