Self care

As a parent of a child with special needs, self care is easily placed on the back burner. Especially if you are a working parent, then self care really gets pushed to the back, behind your children, spouse, obligations, and anything else. But the importance oneself care is that if you are not taking care of yourself then you really cannot take care of anyone else. As clique as it might sound, you can't pour from an empty cup. Like seriously, if you are drained and depleted all the time then you offer no true value to others. If you are not able to serve others at your max capacity, then why even serve them in the first place.

Children with special needs are the sweetest humans ever and they will help their parents as much as their sweet souls will allow.But as their parents, the responsibility of taking care of the special needs child is the parent's number one priority. Before that, the parent would benefit from getting their nails done, getting a message, going for a run, eating a clean meal, crying, laughing, drinking, dancing, etc., and or engaging in any activity that will boost the soul energy of the parent.

Please, please try not to feel guilty when you plan, engage, and finish engaging in a self care activity. Because you, awesome caregiver mom, dad, grandmother, or other awesome caring caregiver, you are truly amazing, you spend your time and life dedicating to your sweet boy or girl. YOU, unconditionally love your child, and meet and serve all of their specific needs.

So enjoy that piece of chocolate, sip of wine, or deep breathe in-deep breathe out. Again, you are amazing, you do amazing things, and you deserve to engage in self care, like yesterday, okay today-right now!

Love you con todo mi corazon.



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