
One thing that truly is a passion of mine is contributing and helping the special needs community. Both of my daughters have special needs, here recently my youngest was diagnosed and I'm still grieving about that. My daughters both are my whys and what keep me motivated and keep pushing forward. Through the help of God and his strength, he helps me with everything. Literally.

My husband is pretty amazing and my support system of family and friends are a blessing in so many ways and more than they will ever know. I believe that God placed everyone in my life and tribe for a reason.

Back to the special needs community as a whole, I feel led to help and contribute as much as I can and in any way possible.

I have always wanted to be a philanthropist and help people and used to think that I had to wait to do so until I was a millionaire or something. I know, silly. Right now where I'm at is slowly but surely working up that incline to financial freedom and financial literacy and building wealth. Even in my current life moment, I feel strongly led by God to still help the special needs community. Still. Ocassional hot mess mama. Still. Soon to be educator. Still. So much going on in the day to day. Still. Not quite sure where the resources to help are going to come from. Still.

I follow God's lead and if pushes me to do something, I will do it. I walk by faith not by sight. If God is leading me and telling me what to do, he will provide the how and all the small intricate details.

One way that I am helping the special needs community right now is by hosting a swap and donate event. So I invite several ladies to swap their pre-owned clothes, shoes, and accessories and then anything left over will be taken to a local organization that helps individuals with special needs. The organization is EasterSeals INC. and their information can be found at the link at the bottom of this post.

When my oldest was younger than 3 she received speech, occupational, and physical therapy from the organization. She's also attending their respite and Summer camps before. Now my youngest receives occupational and developmental therapy and attends play group with them. This organization has helped my family so much and I really just want to do as much as I can for them.

That's currently what I'm doing to help support the special needs community at the moment. Stay tuned to see what I do next! I encourage you to help out where ever you are by doing something you love. If you would like to share it with me, please leave a message. I would love to hear how you are making a positive difference where you are!




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