A prayer and dedication to my daughters

Dear Lord,

I lift up your sweet beautiful daughters, Athena and Valencia. Please watch over them and protect them all the days of their lives. Let them know and accept that they are your daughters and they are fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Be with them. Show them what they mean to you. Reveal their purpose to them at a young age and give them all they need to fulfill it. Show them their gifts and talents that you gave them and how to use them to serve others and to show glory to you. Encourage their hearts, souls, and minds to be more like you. Forgive their shortcomings and teach them the right way.

I also pray for the people that are in their lives now and in the future. I pray that their current family, friends, and professionals know and love you. Love, care, and be with their tribe. I lift up any unspoken or unshared needs and wants they may have. I thank you for allowing these loved ones into my family's life. They mean so much to my little family and I thank you for them. They are the biggest and best support system.

For their future tribe; friends, and family to be. I pray for their besties, sisters,bros, husbands, in-laws, their businesses, organizations that they will be connected with or owning. I pray that wherever they are at in this world and season in life, protect and love them and lead them to you! Give these group of people your high favor and blessings in everything they do. Be with them and prepare their hearts to be part of my girls' tribe.

I also pray for my husband and I that we continue to be the parents our daughters need. With your love, support, and guidance, help us lead them to you. Help us teach them all they need to thrive in this life and be godly children of God. Anything that my husband and I need to learn for them, please send people, resources, courses, workshops, books, doctors, whomever - send them this way!

I thank you for allowing and trusting me to parent my sweet precious girls.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

V in her natural habitat; a local playground.

A at a school function downtown. 

A song dedication to my girls: In my daughter's eyes by Martina McBride.

A scripture dedication: Ephesians 1:16-17

I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father,
may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation,
so that you may know him better.

Athena and Valencia, I love you both so much!~ Mommy


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