Special-Needs Inclusion

As a mama of children with special needs, the topic of INCLUSION is huge for my family and others living with a special-needs or a different than the normal life.

Being that this month is autism awareness month, I feel that it is my parental duty to speak on this topic and advocate for the community that I passionately love and care for.

My hopes and prayers are that not just the autism community will be brought to awareness by the world but also any and all special-needs and mental health needs. This demographic of people tend to sometimes be left behind and it's their time to shine and time to be included.

Imagine living in a foreign country where you don't know the language or culture, have no one to guide you there, and are basically alone and have no way to communicate with others in a way that they will understand, and on top of that you are uncomfortable in your own skin - in that your senses are heightened or lowered by everything out of your body. From what I've experienced with my daughter and researched on, that's one-way autism may feel. It may not and it may something completely different, I really don't know exactly because I do not experience that myself.

The point of the matter is that living with a special need can be challenging yet beautiful.

Something that could help others who are different, which is anyone besides oneself is to simply include them!

Ways to include in a school setting are to say hi, ask about their day, be kind, be a friend, ask about their interests.

In stores and any public place, smile, say hello, don't stare, if you see someone going through a rough time- assist as needed, be open-minded and open-hearted, if you want to be judgmental or offer a suggestion don't, I repeat don't.

For in personal settings among family and friends, love, embrace, and accept your loved one living with special needs.

Pretty much anywhere, be there for them, love them unconditionally, and accept them for who they are!




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