A Blessing In Disguise

So the other night my family went to have dinner at a Tex-Mex restaurant in Austin, Texas. My grandfather in love, Mr. Alfredo Leon is visiting from Mexico and we all just love him so much and want to spend quality time with him. 

Anyhow, the wait for the table was about 1 hour to 1.5 hours. So my husband and I took our girls to chuck-e-cheese. That was definitely a good call from hubby. So the girls played their little hearts out, enjoyed their time, saw some of their cousins there too, and earned prizes- score! 

After that, we all walked over to the restaurant and were still waiting to be seated. So my family was at the bar and waiting area because our table was still be waited on. 

So my grandfather in love is a singer, think of an elder man of Mexican descent, mariachi singer, that's him! 

He started singing at the bar and guess who chimes in - Athena! Oh, the mixed looks of stares, enjoyment, and a little bit of everything in between. This is where the mommy part comes in where I'm like do I intervene and shut this down or keep it interesting and see where this goes? I'm all up for Athena expressing herself but I did tell her to not be so loud! 

So anyways after the serenade was complete. Many people clapped and we all went on to wait for our table. 

I was with my youngest by the bar. And Athena for some reason walked over to the side of the bar.

This is where the evening took a surprise turn. 

I didn't see her go outside and I asked the family friend who I was with if she saw Athena go outside. So she went to go see if she went out the door because she was closer to the door than I. Anyways she comes back and is like, uh she's talking to a couple. And she says oh they seem cool, it seems okay, go check though. So I went, not really knowing what to expect. Because I went through all the possible scenarios, from knowing them - human traffickers. 

So I get there and start assessing the situation and my daughter seems very comfortable and at ease. The couple and their friends do too. So I'm standing there getting to know these people and comes to find out the man that Athena was talking to has a young son with autism. And he said that his girlfriend works with students with special needs and they get it! Omg, I love when that happens. When God sends God winks to say, hey your not alone, we get your journey and keep going. I just asked God this week to provide an answer to something I asked him about and needed confirmation for. For me, they were it! 

So the girlfriend, C.C., said she was like drawn to her. They loved and appreciated her singing. Said how she was an angel and that she really loved Athena and her presence. 

(Quick side story: So every since Athena was a little she could sense when others needed something. I feel that in my heart, that children with special-needs feel things on a different spiritual level and they get sensing or knowing about others. I've seen it in Athena and many other special children. 

Many times, she's given people real hugs and they've said, I really needed that, she's an angel. There have been several experiences like that with Athena in her life thus far and I'm sure there will be plenty more. )

Whatever C.C. needed or had been praying for, that experience and time with Athena was an answered prayer. When my family finally were seated and started our dinner, C.C. and her boyfriend came back to our table a couple of times. The first to bring Athena a dessert, a coffee whipped cream, fruit thing. I prompted her to share with others because it was before having a meal. She shared!

Then the next time was when C.C. shared a speech about Athena, I recorded it but need to figure out how to send the 1-minute video and share it here. She shared how she was spiritual and that Athena is a special angel. Then grandpa' Alfredo went on to serenade the couple and their friends. It was a beautiful moment you guys! 

They went on to say their goodbyes. C.C. even offered to do Athena's hair and makeup for her quince in October. 

The whole experience was a blessing from God and a reminder of His goodness. 

I pray that this story blesses you!



2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

Athena & C.C.


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