Breaking Up With Busy

This title could have easily be written as breaking up with my schedule!

I don't know how you feel right now and I'm not going to pretend that I know exactly. I don't want to assume anything.

And I can only speak for myself. Well not too long ago, I was being a busy bee, in that my schedule was jammed packed. I had family and friends commenting how I was doing too much. It didn't seem like it because I was just doing and going, going and getting things done.

For 2019, my word is intentional and phrase is to get things done but y'all I got exhausted with my schedule (that I created, yes, silly). My goodness, I might of been doing way too much for my own good. Like, what is the point of doing it all at all the same time?

Reflecting back on the first quarter of the year, I think I may have tried to do too much on my accord. When I really need to be on God's timeline and process, not mine.

Not trying to say what to do but if you've felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and tired recently, may I suggest, only if you wish, to try to decrease things from your schedule. If it seems too much, subtract, decrease things from your schedule.

A couple of things to consider are:

1)Seek God and keep Him first.

2) Prioritize things in your life.

3)Subtract activities that are not a current high priority at this moment in your life.

I pray this helps all of us slow down and focus on the things that really matter in life, God, family, friends and top priorities.



Image from youversion app. 


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