Planning For The New Year (For Special-Needs Families)

Hello sweet families!

I hope that you and your family are resting or getting as much as possible during this transition of saying goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019. I do understand the challenges of resting while still having to be an adult and care and raise your family and meet their needs and your own.

Anyhow, a new year is at the door of our lives and its time for a breath of fresh air newness. Spend some time with God and then get your pens and paper and start writing out what your 2019 will look like for you and your family.

Do not waste your time this upcoming year. Your time is the most valuable thing you have, aside from your family and God, then its time. Use it wisely and don't give it away for free.

The first thing that can be done is to ask God to give you the following:

A word for the year. Mine for 2019 is Be intentional. Jot yours down and write, my word for 2019 is ________.

A pep statement. Mine is "If it's aligned with my purpose, get it done!" Write yours as, my pep statement for 2019 is _____________________________________.

A verse to hold onto throughout the year. Write your bible verse down and the translation version. If you want to write it on index cards and place them in your hot spots within your home and car, do it! Anywhere you are often and where it will serve as a reminder, place a written reminder there!

A purpose for the year.

After getting those things into your mind and written go ahead and set intention and goals for each area of your life. I'd set the main goal for each area and set an intention for that specific area. Then list at least 2-3 or more goals you would like to accomplish for 2019 in each area.

1) Spiritual Goals: What do you want your spiritual life to be and look like? Do you want to get closer to God? Attend a church or bible study on a regular basis? Serve and volunteer at your church or a local organization?

2)Family Goals: As a Special-Needs family, what do you want the intention for the year to be for your sweet household? What goal would you like to set for the atmosphere and connection within your home? What would you like you and your spouse to focus on just the two of you? What about the focus for the children, as a group and individually? Would you like to spend more time with extended family?

3)Financial Goals: What is your 2019 financial intention? Debt free? Save, invest, donate a certain amount each month? Purchase a new home or property? Be financially literate, stable, and independent? Start a new business endeavor? Have a side business?

4)Health Goals: What is your main health focus? What do you want to do daily for your physical, spiritual, and emotional health? What can you add to your life that will improve your health for the better in the long run? What health goals do you have for your family members as well as your own? Of course get their individual input and add to it if you know something particular that their doctor wants them to eliminate or increase in their diet and active lifestyle.

5)Career Goals: Career-wise what is your main intention for the year? What do you want to accomplish within the next 3-months? 6 months? 12 months? Awards, promotions, raises, new business do not happen on accident, well not most of the time, they are the result of consistent smart and hard work over a period of time. What do you want your career to be, seriously? Not what you think you should be doing. What you really want to do and that God has called you to do.

6)Relationship Goals: What is the focus relationship goal? How will all your relationships be better? What will you contribute to others? How will you communicate with others? Will you tolerate drama, pettiness, or negativity this year? What are your boundaries with yourself and others?

7)Internal-self Goals: What is your main goal for yourself this new year? How much personal development do you want to engage in? What emotional healing would you like to target? Is there anyone or a situation you may need to forgive? How will you build your character this year? How will you be the best and only version of yourself? How much time will you make to spend time with God?

8)Ministry Goals: What is your main focus for your ministry? Do you want to serve more or less at church? Do you want to start your own ministry serving the community you are called to? Do you want to serve at a local organization, shelter, business that is aligned with your God-given purpose? Do you want to serve whole-heartedly to your first ministry; your home, your spouse and your babies?

For each goal,write them out as S.M.A.R.T. goals. Make sure your goal is Specific, can you answer the who, what, where and why of your goal? Is your goal Measurable? How will you know when you have reached your goal? Is it Achievable for you at this moment in time? Is your goal Relevant to your overall life goals and purpose? Does your goal have a Timely due date of when it will be completed?

Setting specific goals with action steps can help you achieve your goals for the year when you are ready. I have done this as well and I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for us all. This is a year of new beginnings, new miracles, and new promises for you and your family.

Wishing you and yours a blessed new year and praying all of your dreams come to fruition this year!



Habakkuk 2: 2-3 (NIV)
Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)
"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."


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