12 days of Christmas for Special-Needs Families

Hello, there beautiful families!

I hope that you all are well and not stressed beyond belief. Who am I kidding, around this time of year, stress is the norm and festivities are smothered in overwhelm and stress. Take a big deep breathe and continue on reading.

As a mama of children with special needs and as of late a special needs educator, this lady right here (pointing to self) knows the importance in self-care and taking frequent breaks to chill out and take care of myself. Even though I share with family and friends what I currently do, some feedback has been questioned about what all I have on my plate but you guys, I foreal love what I get to do. There are days where I wake up smiling and happy for no apparent reason. The real reason is that I am walking and living in my calling and even though I could succumb to stress, I don't see it like that. I see it as something I'm passionate about!

I'm also passionate about helping the special-needs community, in particular, the families. I love you guys so much! I want only the best for any and all families of special-needs and pray a blessing over you and your beautiful family!

Read on Love, I pray and hope that this message gives you a belly laugh and blesses you as well.

On the 1st day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a grocery list, chore list, and bill list.

This time of year can be hectic but thank goodness for lists. Thank you for electronic lists, day planners, whiteboards, and sticky notes!

On the 2nd day of Christmas, my child's school gave to me, parties, needs, meetings, and a break.

I love the school community that my girls are part of and that I work with. There are lots of fun festivities planned and thank goodness for the school calendar, to be able to prepare for those events. Looking forward to a much-needed break with my babies. Praying you are able to find time to rest and relax with your beautiful family.

On the 3rd day of Christmas, my extended family gave to me, a night of respite. (insert melodies here!)

Asking for what you and your family may need is okay. I saw a meme on the Internet saying that if anyone is shopping for me, I need a 7-day cruise vacation. Well as a family with special needs, the request could be I need an evening of respite. Or whatever you may need at the time. If someone asks what you would like for Christmas or whenever, if you need respite, ask your trusted support system and or hire professional help.

On the 4th day of Christmas, public stranger-shoppers gave to me, stares and unsolicited comments and advice.

Christmas season or not, as a special needs family, this can happen all throughout the year, Let it go. I know its easy to say but be wise about where you spend your energy. Focus on your family, friends, joy, important things.

Quick story, so the girls and I went to the store five below the other day and this young-ish couple were shopping, Valencia asked if I could buy her a poop prop (yup a pile of poop) and the young couple chic said in a snarky tone "don't you make that already", you guys it took everything in me to not go off on her, I did, however, give her the look and she walked away. Like I said, let it go...breathe and give them to Jesus.

On the 5th day of Christmas, my child gave to me, a meltdown in the produce aisle.

Choose your battles. If your or my child is already in meltdown mode, they may need a moment to process and come out of the meltdown. Validate them and their feelings, and help de-escalate them from a meltdown mode to a calm state of mind. If leaving the store at the moment is the best option, do it. I know it's not convenient but sometimes it may be best. When possible, when on a grocery or store trip, bring goodies for the children (sensory tools, toys, snacks, books, blanket, technology, anything that will bring them comfort when out, bring the whole house if you need to :), no but really bring what they need).

On the  6th day of Christmas, my children's health insurance gave to me, a renewal date notice.

Blah. The adulting things still carry on, even during the holiday season. Take care of these high priority things as soon as you can. Once the month gets going and is filled with time off and events, these important things can easily be forgotten. Just take care of them asap.

On the 7th day of Christmas, my girlfriends gave to me, support, love, and laughter.

Find you and your family the best tribe. I thank God for the support system that my family and I are blessed with. You guys know who you are - I appreciate you so much! My family is blessed, honored, and favored to be doing life with you.

Set the intention, say the prayers, and get out of the comfort zone to find and be open to your tribe. Believe me, if you are wanting a tribe, they are wanting and looking for you too!

On the 8th day of Christmas, my calendar gave to me, events and gathering to make sweet memories.

Another tool that is helpful as a special needs family is the planner - the organizer. Pencil in and erase events that bring you and your family joy and peace this season. Set boundaries with your time and calender, only attend things you want to and that bring you life.

Really embrace the moment, the present time, and most important the people with whom you may decide to create memories with. This is not a drill, this is your life, and you are living your best life today.

On the 9th day of Christmas, my budget gave to me, honesty and humbleness.

Please do not feel like you have to go into debt or buy anyone's love through gifts this holiday season. Set a December budget that includes bills, gift shopping, and other (savings, investments, donations, anything needed for events, or anything else you may need for the month) and stick to it. Try to go into 2019 with no new debt.

On the 10th day of Christmas, my children gave to me, homemade gifts and their undivided attention.

This time of year take-home craft gifts are my favorite. I love receiving those from my girls. I hope you receive one soon! One thing that I'm making a priority this season is to spend more undivided time with my family and give them my full attention. The to-do list and distractions can wait. I encourage you to make time for what matters most.

On the 11th day of Christmas, my family's support system gave to me, a chance to breathe and peace of mind.

I mentioned earlier about my tribe and this is an extension of that. The support system that consists of the best family members, friends, teachers, teacher assistants, staff, doctors, therapist, organizations, make up the awesomeness that is my family's support! Trusting them to take care of their respective area of care allows me to be at peace and be able to breathe in and exhale. Each person makes up the team, the village, that helps my family live and be successful. I'm so so thankful for you all.

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, the best life.

Thanking God for giving me, my husband and girls. I'm truly grateful and blessed to be given such a beautiful family to raise and care for. I thank God that my husband and I met when we did, and dated, then married when we did.

One of the best decisions I made thus far is saying yes and building a beautiful life with you Jesse.

My prayer for you friend is that this holiday season, I pray you are blessed, filled with joy, true peace, comfort, rest, and unconditional love.

Happy Holidays! Wishing you and yours a blessed season.



2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV) And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Philippians 4:7 (NIV) And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


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