Heyy from my hiatus!

If you're reading this - I sincerely want to say thank you. Currently, I'm on a social media break for who knows how long. I have a quick story to share with you though. 

Can I be completely transparent with you? Most days throughout the year my husband and I do not get much respite or childcare. For the most part, my babies are with me 24/7. Being a mama to disabled children is a huge blessing and also a whole lot of work. 

Some years my girls participate in a local disability ministry respite, sometimes around Christmas time and other times during the Summer. 

Well, this Summer they're attending the weeklong camp and let me tell you how good God is. So the local ministry not only takes care of both my girls, has church service and worship with them, they have a really fun time there, and they also gift parents with a goodie bag. 

To me the real gift is the girls having a blessed time there and they don't have to give anything to me or my husband. I'm so grateful that they have volunteers and they offer this respite for families like mine at no cost! 

So on the first day of dropping the girls off, I get in my Suv parked in the disability parking spot and weep. Y'all I'm not talking about regular crying, I mean I was in full-blown ugly crying as I was driving back home. Pretty sure it was one of the first breaks I had all Summer. Well as I was crying my heart out I was talking with God and just letting him know how I felt at that moment. And just really got some things off my heart, things he already knows, but that I wanted to share nonetheless. So at the red lights, I'd peek and grab things out of the goodie bag. 

So let me backtrack a little, I was planning to go to the store on the way back to pick up the girls to purchase some business items, one of those being a measuring tape. You know like the ones for clothes and such. So as I was looking through the goodie bag, they gave me such sweet things like chocolate and gift cards. Well, one of the gifts was random but put there by God. There was literally a measuring tape in there - like look at God!!

At that moment, God was saying "I got you. Even in the small details, you matter so much to me. I'm all you need."

And of course, you know I was still crying at this time. Even more, because God is so good! 

So today in this very moment, I want to tell you that God loves you so much and he cares about every single thing in your life. You mean the world to Him and He gots you and is with you right now and forever more. 

Love you to life,



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