Dear Strong Friend,

Friend, first and foremost happy New year and happy early Valentine's! I know it's mid-February and it's been a while and I have missed you. I just want to say that I love you, see you, and support you!

You do so much for everyone and you seem to have your entire life together...

I know because I too am a strong friend. Even have my only tattoo with the word 'strength'. And also know that none of us have it all together, like ever and that's okay.

Even during this pandemic, you are doing the most, in the most loving way. Whether that's being as productive as you can be, being on top of your goals, getting your exercise in, cooking up a home-cooked meal for you and your family, working hard,  friend, you are going above and beyond during this time. 

In true strong friend fashion, just like in the word, when Mary and Martha had the once in a lifetime chance to be hosts and sit at the feet of Jesus. Gosh, could you imagine what that would have felt like? That makes me want to start overwhelmingly weep just thinking about what it would be like to have been there to see Jesus! 

So strong friend, do you find yourself being like Mary - at the feet of Jesus, soaking in all His goodness or more like Martha - hustling and grinding to get it all done and bypass Jesus from being so busy?

There is no condemnation but rather an invitation to reflect on where you and I are currently at. During this time, this never happened before in our lifetime, fluid ever-changing situation. Strong friend, where is God for you? 

And although there is no right or wrong way to do life or quarantine, instead the insight I would like to propose is where is our focus? Are we feeling worn out due to current situations and focusing on concerns or are we getting our strength from God and His word because He's our focal point? 

Friend, I don't know about you but I'll raise my hand to admit I've been Martha for a while but as of late, intentionally choosing to submit my life to God and resting at His feet prostrate on the floor. 

Strong friend, let's join together and give God everything. 

From one strong friend to another. 


P.S.: The story referenced can be found and read in Luke 10:38-42. 

P.S.S.: How can I be praying for you? 


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