It can be lonely as a special needs mom but there's hope!

Being a mom in general at times can be lonely. Especially being a mom of a child or children with special health care needs. Whether normally extroverted or introverted, it still can be lonely. For instance as a naturally more introverted mother myself, I thoroughly enjoy my me time and being able to recharge! But I do absolutely love my lifelong girlfriends, best friends, family, and friends. I remember times when I have felt that no one understood what I was going through as a mom of a daughter with several special needs. I remember being in my late teens, being a mom, raising my daughter primarily on my own, going to school, working, and then getting the news that my precious perfect baby girl had special needs and needed therapy like yesterday. It felt like a ton of bricks was crumbling down on my life and it wasn't moving any time soon. I lost my long term best friends when I had my daughter at 16 and they definitely left me when they heard that she was different.

Its like no one and I mean no one understood what it felt like to be in the situation that I was in. I didn't fit in with anyone anywhere, ever. During that time I remember relying on God heavily and he helped heal me from my brokenness.

When I started loving myself and changing my perspective, I started being a better friend and keeping friends around.

So I implore you that if you are feeling a little lonely or alone on your mothering journey, I gently encourage you to try stepping out of your comfort zone and saying hello to someone. You might be surprised at the friendships that you will create.




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