Stressed out? Try these steps

1. Breathe
 Take a deep breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Seriously consider doing this 3 times, 5 if super stressed. As you breathe, allow any areas of tension in your body to relax. With each breathe out release tension in your body, shoulders, neck, head, and back.

2. Write a brain dump.
Set a timer for 5 minutes or just keep track of the time. Write everthing that is on your mind on a sheet of paper, literally everything. It doesn't have to be organized or methodical, just write every thought, worry, stress, everything down. After the brain dump, if you need to make a to-do list and or write a journal entry, by all means do!

3. Engage in self care
What ever self care may look like for you, please engage in it. Some examples of self care are a nap, manicure, pedicure, message, favorite food, favorite show or movie, exercise, chat with a friend, shopping, or anything that fills your cup and makes you feel good and happy on the inside. For myself, lately a good run or dance class with a delicious meal after make me feel better!

4. Pray
Speak with God in your way of communicating with him. Let him know how you feel, what you hope for, cry, get it all out, and then release your cares to God.

I invite you only if you choose to try one, or more of these steps the next tine you feel stressed. I personally do one or all of these when necessary.


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